Welcome to The Rusty Goat Embroidery Barn, where every stitch tells a story and every design carries a piece of my heart.

My journey into the world of embroidery is as unique as it sounds. It all began with Rusty, a lovable goat I raised during my senior year of high school in FFA. While Rusty might not have had a flair for embroidery, he taught me dedication, hard work, and the beauty of creating something from scratch. These values later became the foundation of my embroidery passion.

After mastering the art of threading stories, I spent a rewarding two years as the head of embroidery at another company. While it was an incredible experience that honed my skills, the call to start something of my own was too strong to ignore. And so, with Rusty as my muse, The Rusty Goat Embroidery Barn was born.

The magic here isn’t just about the colorful threads or intricate designs, but it’s about weaving tales of love, dedication, and a little rustic charm into every piece. Here, tradition meets innovation, and every creation is a celebration of the craft.

Over the years, I've melded my experiences, both from my time with Rusty and my professional journey, to curate designs that speak volumes. Every project, be it big or small, carries a slice of those memories and the expertise I've garnered.

Outside of this embroidery barn, when I'm not threading dreams, you can find me staring into my fish tanks and cuddling with my cats.

Whether you're here to admire, to learn, or to collaborate, I invite you to explore the world of The Rusty Goat Embroidery Barn. Let's create stories, one stitch at a time.