Frequently Asked Questions:

  • Do you offer coupons?

Yes! When you create an account, you can start earning points. For every $1 you spend you earn 1 point. You can also earn points through our referral system! For every person you refer to our website, you AND the person you are referring get a $10 coupon. To find out how many points you have, click the gift icon on the bottom left of your screen.

  • Do you have a location I can visit?

No. We are an online only store and we do not have a physical location that our customers can visit. We do not offer pick-ups, all orders will be shipped to the address you provide on your order.

  • How can I reach you?

The best way to reach us is to send a message through our website using the chat bubble in the bottom right corner of your screen. If for any reason you are experiencing issues reaching us using that method, you can email us at

  • When will my order be shipped out?

Once your order is placed we kindly ask that you allow 5-14 business days for your order to be shipped out (depending on the items you ordered) and for a tracking number to be received. If an item you ordered is out of stock or back ordered we will contact you to let you know your options for processing your order. You can read all about our shipping policy here.

  • Do you accept refunds or exchanges?
Items that have been customized cannot be exchanged or refunded. Items that are not customized are allowed a 14 day window for you to message us and let us know that you would like a refund or exchange. We do charge a 15% restocking fee if you do decide to initiate a refund, because of this we ask that you make sure you are ordering the correct sizes. We provide sizing charts located at the bottom of the product's description to help you choose your size. You can read all about our refund policy here.